New Year's Eve is a holiday that we celebrate in our household -- more than usual. Its our anniversary!! Yes, you heard that right. We got married on New Year's Eve. We figured it was a fun date, we'd never forget it, and we'd always have something special to do on that date. We were right!
Usually we spend the early part of the evening with friends --- hors d'oeuvres are the standard. Then we all head out to a black tie gala with our ballroom dance group. Its an elegant and fun evening --- and quite the way to celebrate both the New Year and our anniversary.
Our standard contribution to the hors d'oeuvre menu is beef and pepper dip.
I know some of you (Shaw's shoppers!!) have a ton of free sour cream and cream cheese you're dying to use up --- here's the way to go.
Beef and Pepper Dip
1 package cream cheese
1 container sour cream
1 jar of dried beef (in the tuna aisle, please)
1 bell pepper (pick your favorite color)
Take the dried beef out of the jar and snip it into tiny little strips using kitchen shears.
Cut the bell pepper into thin strips. Cut each strip into half or thirds to make dipping easier.
Mix the sour cream and cream cheese together in a small casserole or small crockpot (the easier method)
Mix in the beef and the pepper.
Heat until bubbly
Sprinkle the top with paprika (until it looks terrific)
Serve with Triscuits or some other substantial cracker.