Give thanks. What a simple directive. What a difficult accomplishment.
How fitting that we set aside one day to work on nothing except giving thanks (well, aside from the working of the cooking and the frantic battle-planning for the Black Friday assault)
I thought that this year, I would just bullet a handful of things I’m incredibly thankful for:
A husband who loves me and puts up with me and sometimes even embraces my quirkiness (I’m sticking by calling it “quirkiness, thank you very much)
A beloved friend who would strangle me if I named him here, who has demonstrated more character and courage in recent months than any seven people I know and who has been accused repeatedly of lacking both.
The presence of young children in our lives who see clearly through all of the nonsense that tangles up the adults and deal with people directly and authentically
A job that not only pays the bills, it makes me glad to go to work
A safe, happy, warm home that welcomes me and provides respite for my soul
Friends and colleagues who are not afraid to tell me when I’m going off the deep end and are not afraid to join me there occasionally
Edy’s Apple Pie Ice Cream (preferably with a drizzle of caramel sauce, but plain is fine)
A dog who has learned to trust (finally) and who has taught us more about trust than we ever dreamed possible
Fine, faithful friends who try their very best to “get it right” in the face of impossible obstacles and who love and appreciate us for simply standing with them
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