1. Wisp Toothbrushes from Colgate
2. Soap leaves (I'm thinking Crabtree and Evelyn?)

3. A set of good tweezers -- the ti
ny kind

4. Burt's Bees Lemon Cuticle Cream

5. Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Oil Styling Cream (love this stuff -- its made for guys, but the minty smell from the tea tree oil is so terrific when I need a pick-me-up. Plus, it works like nobody's business to control whatever the weather has wrought with my hair -- frizzies, a chunk sticking out somewhere, flatness -- it tames it all with a quick slick with the fingers)

6. A few of the Olay Daily Facial cloths
7. Lavender inhalation beads

Anything else I should consider? I want it all to fit in a small cosmetics bag (the half moon kind) and take up just a tiny bit of space in the desk drawer.
Just the thing to reach for when I need a quick refreshing before a presentation or a stressful meeting. Not too much, but not too little either.
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